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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Inflammatory Language

I have a new follower! Yay. Welcome, Flashman85. And to anyone reading, make sure you check his blog out.

I was recently pointed to a pro-choice article written by a girl who simply goes by ProChoiceGal. I did respond to her blog, hoping to start a dialog with her, but it seems she's not interested. Although I was very respectful toward her and the pro-choice movement, she chose not to post my note on her blog (she had her administration filter on). That being said, I will not be responding to her blog here because I doubt I'd have her permission to recreate it and I wouldn't want to reproduce it without her permission. But I did want to touch on one thing.

Her opening line: "Dear Anti-Choicers..." It doesn't get more inflammatory than this, people. Now, I can hold respectful discussions with people who believe contrary to me. But calling those against abortion "Anti-Choicers" is an obvious inflammatory term. It's what we call an "ad hominem" argument, lit. "to the man." This is a fallacy in which rather than responding to someone's argument, you attack them personally in order to make them seem as horrible as possible. "How can I agree with someone so despicable?" Those against abortion are no more "anti-choice" than those in favor of abortion are "anti-life." But how can she be expected to be taken seriously? If your position is strong, there is no need to attack the person who holds those beliefs.

Even Christians can fall into the hole of being complete jerks on-line. Internet anonymity is stronger than alcohol in releasing you from your inhibitions. Jesus wants us to love each other. There is no reason for anyone, especially Christians, to be jerks. Being mean and nasty will only cause the other person to become defensive, and they'll never admit you're correct even if you actually are.

The bottom line is: if you're going to be debating your beliefs, do so respectfully. After all, that's the only way to truly convince someone.

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